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Cardinal Cardinalis cardinalis In the Birds category.

We have cardinals in the yard all day every day.

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The cardinals are like Marines. First in and last out. They always start their daily duties shortly before the sun comes up and stay in the yard until just after dark.
Photo taken on 6/8/2009.
Cardinals in a feeder and adjacent tree
Cardinals come to our feeders all the time.
Photo taken on 6/8/2009.
mother feeding young
The female in the feeder is taking seeds up to the juvenile on top.
Photo taken on 6/8/2009.
Mother feeding her child
Mother feeding her child
Photo taken on 8/14/2009.
Mother and young male cardinals.
This young male is apparently molting.
Photo taken on 8/14/2009.
Cardinal think about it
Hmmm, let me think.